Core Values
I highly value the following definitions and attributes.
- Cooperation
Cooperate means to work or act together toward a common end or purpose. Cooperation must be given to succeed.
- Innovation
Change is inevitable. Innovation is imperative.
- Democracy
Democracy is leadership of the people, by the people, for the people.
- Leadership
Leadership is inspiring people to cooperate.
- Commitment
Commitment means always cooperating.
- Trust
Trust is confidence in yourself, the commitment of others, and the inspiration and efficacy of humanities highest ideals.
- Communication
Communication means actively listening more than speaking, encouraging trust, developing ideas into cooperative actions, and living by your personal intentions and the ideals of democracy.
- Integration
- Love motivates actions.
- Change and vision inspire us to adapt and innovate.
- Commitment, communication, and leadership focus our energies.
- Trust channels us toward our highest aspirations.
- Faith and courage sustain us.
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