Friday, August 20, 2004


Fair Compensation - Equity

I believe in the fair and competitively determined compensation of all factors of production, their democratic partipation in decision-making, and in the equitable distribution of business generated wealth to all factors based on their contributions to success.


I believe in the inclusion of customers, suppliers, employees, and all stakeholders in business decision-making and the equitable sharing of the rewards derived from all mutually beneficial transactions.

Human Rights

I believe in upholding and supporting fundamental human rights in all aspects of personal life, business, and society.

Improve and Empower

I believe in improving the social condition, education, standard of living, quality of life, health and well being of all segments of society, as well as fully employing and empowering them in the economy and in all parts of the government and society.

Free Markets

I believe in the fair and democratic removal of barriers to free market operations and trade, both domestically and internationally, as democracy progresses throughout the world.

No Preferential Control

I believe in the fair and democratic removal of artificial government incentives, policies, or laws that perpetuate the control of one factor of production over all others.

Status and Responsibility

I believe that all forms of business are composed of people who are more or less unified by law and agreement to serve and meet the needs or desires of others, and as such, are afforded the status of a person by public consent and legal accomodations.

Rational Democracy

I believe that democratically motivated and controlled businesses generally actrationally, creatively, and responsibly.

Greatest Good at Least Cost

I believe that democratically determined decisions, when made in free and open societies, with the best available information and technology, provide all factors of production, their resident communities, and the world at large, with the greatest economic, social, and environmental benefits available, at the lowest long-run economic, social, and environmental costs possible.


I believe that all businesses and their constituents are individually, as well as severally and collectively accountable as legal persons for their actions.


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