Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Pale horseman, ha
You frighten with
A piercing stare!

But wait, pale horseman
Much more than fright
I see in there.

A longing to be free,
Love and sympathy.
What wondrous things
You have for me.

But wait, pale horseman
Is that treachery?
What guile and cunning trick
Doth thou play?
Am I a fool
To be tricked?

Are you truly a friend
Sent to help me
From this confining place?

Wait, pale horseman,
Familiar face,
Old friend
This is not the time for you.
It is early yet.
I can't go home so soon.

The pledge.
What pledge?
Some promise did I make to you?

You remind me of myself
That's true,
But what consequence
Does that have for me today?

I've gone so far.
I've felt so much.
There is more for me to do?

I'm blind you dolt,
I cannot see.
I hear but cannot understand.

Laugh, you oaf.
How insensitive can you be?

When last we met
Respect for each we had.
I chose this life
For what it had to teach.

I'll serve and fight,
Sing and write,
Persevere both day and night.

I know you friend,
An advocate.
A messenger ill received.
I'm glad you came.
I'll see you soon enough again.

The pledge, oh yes,
I shall not here return.

October, 1980


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