Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Have you ever stood in the rain
With wet head and soaking clothes?
Did you ask yourself why
Or just get out of the rain?

It's raining heavy on my parade
And I keep marching on.
Why doesn't seem so apropos.
I just keep marching on.

They cheered us on the other day.
Excited laughter. Joyous display.
Today the skies are dark and wet.
The parade isn't much fun this way.

Inside it's nice and dry.
Going in makes good sense to me.
Oh well, what the heck.
What's more important anyway?

The parade is my thing
Come rain or shine.
If you are not in the parade,
Then get in out of the rain.
Perhaps it's foolish to keep marching on,
But who are you to say?

I made commitments
And so did you.
The parade keeps moving on.

Drop out. Stay dry.
The parade is my thing.
Wasn't it yours yesterday?

A tear gets washed away.
A glance. A wave.
Just who is leaving whom?


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