Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Aware and Empowered

Aware and Empowered

I am aware, and I acknowledge,
That יהוה YיHהVוHה; Yodי, Heyה, Vavו, Heyה;
The I Am That I Am;
The Eternal; Totally Benevolent;
Omnipotent; Omnipresent;
Omniscient Supreme Being;
The Creator of Everything;

The I Am That I Am Within Me;
The I Am That I Will Be;
The I Will Be What I Will Be,
Is here with me, right now;
Is attending to me, right now;
Is focused on me, right now.

I acknowledge, and express,
My sincere, heart-felt, gratitude,
For the Divine Will to Good;
The Loving, Intelligent, Universal,
Divine Creative Life Force,
Now being directed,
To me, for me, and through me.

I am humbled to know,
I am elated, uplifted,
And Empowered to know,

That יהוה YיHהVוHה; Yodי, Heyה, Vavו, Heyה;
The I Am That I Am;
Will be with me throughout this day,
Looking out for, and providing for,
My well being; my sustenance;
My protection; and, my highest good.

Everywhere I go today;
In every interaction with others;
In every thought, word, and deed;
I will consciously acknowledge,
That יהוה YיHהVוHה; Yodי, Heyה, Vavו, Heyה;
The I Am That I Am;
Is there with me:

Appreciating me, as I appreciate others;
Supporting me, as I support others;
Assisting me, as I assist others;
Acknowledging me, as I acknowledge others;
Inspiring me, as I inspire others;

Guiding me, as I guide others;
Playing with me, as I play with others;
Loving me, as I love others;
Challenging me, as I challenge others;
Uplifting me, as I uplift others;

Showing me, as I show others;
Teaching me, as I teach others;
Allowing me, as I allow others;
Fulfilling me, as I fulfill others;
Enlightening me, as I enlighten others.

Through me, and with me as I am,
יהוה YיHהVוHה; Yodי, Heyה, Vavו, Heyה;
The I Am That I Am;
Is glorified, praised, and worshiped,
As The Eternal; Totally Benevolent;
Omnipotent; Omnipresent;
Omniscient Supreme Being;
The Creator of Everything;

The I Am That I Am Within Me;
The I Am That I Will Be;
The I Will Be What I Will Be;
The Love of my Life; my Protector,
My Friend, my Soul Mate, and my Redeemer.



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