Many Voices
Many Voices
Shia, Sunni, Kurds and Christians;
Turkmen, Jews and tribal minorities;
The people of Iraq
Speak with many voices.
The United States of America
Should not be
One of the voices
Coming from inside Iraq.
Sunni communities
Throughout the world;
Learned and revered Shia;
The Muslim Brotherhood;
Neighboring countries
And the United Nations
Can better
And more reasonably
Influence Iraqis
Without dominating
Or exploiting them.
There are many voices
To guide Iraq
Into a renewal of peace,
Coexistence, and
Towards greater heights
And expressions of their own
Freedoms and responsibilities.
Yes, evil resides among
The people of Iraq
And sadly throughout
The rest of the world.
Humanities' children yet again
Have been traumatized and
Maimed by the atrocities of war
And ravages of hatred and hostilities.
Revenge and retribution
Will continue in Iraq
Until law and order
And justice prevail.
No foreign power however
Can stop the hatred and carnage.
Only the Love of Allah,
Only human lives
Dedicated to the words
And true intent
Of the Prophet Muhammad,
And only the faith
Of the followers of Islam
Can stop the hatred
And carnage in Iraq.
The many voices of Iraq
Must be heard and heeded
For peace and reconciliation
To guide the people
Toward a future
Of self-government
And self-determination.
Get coalition forces out of Iraq
Sooner - Not Later.
Send coalition troops home.
Stand down and step back.
Some day we invaders of Iraq
May be marked by history
As Liberators,
But today we are seen as
An invading horde of Infidels.
Right or wrong
The death of Saddam Hussein is done.
Blood too stains the rope
Of his demise.
We cannot ignore
Or conveniently forget
That the hands of
President George W. Bush
Helped to tie the hangman's knot.
Shamefully America's integrity
Has suffered under the leadership
And harsh exercise of power
By George W. Bush.
The responsibility for silencing
Tens of thousands
Of Iraqi voices
Haunts his soul.
Every President
Elected by the People of
The United States of America
Is accountable
For his or her actions.
Our soldiers are told
They will be prosecuted
To the full extent of the law
If they are negligent in their duties or
If they commit crimes during
The conduct of their assignments.
President Bush ordered
The U.S. Military
To hand over an Iraqi prisoner
And stood back as his head
Was ripped from his body.
Many voices from within our military
Should be crying out for justice.
Many voices from within
The halls of Congress
Should be clamouring for accountability.
Many voices from within
The United Nations and
Around the world
Should be screaming,
Chanting, singing,
Praying and protesting
That President Bush
Has become his own worst enemy.
After four years of this mess
The time has come to
Impeach George W. Bush.
Now also is the time to
Impeach Vice President Cheney.
These two men
More than anyone else
Bullied and mongered us
Into fearing their nightmares,
Frightful visions, and horrid demons.
Wake up people.
End this war now.
Retire our armed forces
To stations just outside Iraq.
There were no hidden weapons
Of mass destruction.
There were no reservoirs
Of dangerous chemical
Or biological weapons.
There was no network
Of Iraqi-funded
Terrorist training camps.
Every patriotic American
Should demand no more troops
Should be sent to Iraq
To pursue President Bush's demons.
No more wrongs
Are going to ever
Make this invasion right.
America was wrong again.
Live with it.
No lies. No coverups.
Own up to the truth.
End this war now.
Get out of Iraq now.
Stop the lies.
End the war now.
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