Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Divine Consciousness


The Nature of Divine Creative Power is Growth. Everything living always grows. Growth is a universal characteristic, the undeviating principle of existence.

Nutrition and Nourishment

The Nature of Divine Creative Power is Nutrition and Nourishment. Nutrition and Nourishment are a normal and marvelously organized process within all bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits. Nutrition is provided for all living things according to individual preferences. Nourishment is ingested and digested to promote the health and well being of our body, mind, heart, and spirit.


The Nature of Divine Creative Power is Healing. Healing is a natural characteristic of existence. Healing is a natural Perfecting Process, which takes place to ensure individual comfort, and optimal conditions for growth.


The Nature of Divine Creative Power is Protection. The seemingly miraculous activities in the world are directed towards Protection. Every need of protection in bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits, have been lovingly supplied, with the greatest attention to detail, as an inherent characteristic of Protection by Divine, Intelligent Creative Power.

Fulfillment of Need

Fulfillment of Need is combined with the other dynamic characteristic of Protection. A happy, joyous, and loving care is expressed in all the small physical attributes which profoundly bear on the comfort of all living things. These physical luxuries, added to the basic physical designs, were clearly the product of an Intelligence, the Divine Creative Process, which intended existence to be comfortable and happy; free of stresses which would otherwise have been experienced by man, beast, and all living things, if these luxury items had not been given to them. Love directs all of the work of the Divine Creative Power. Love nourishes, protects, fulfills all needs, and seeks to promote healing of, and in, all things.


Work is the innate characteristic of the Loving, Intelligent, Divine Creative Power which has given individual forms their being, their mediums for growth, and fulfillment. Loving, Intelligent, Divine Creative Power works with us, through us, and for us; always prompted by, always given, and received with Love. The Infinite Power of Intelligent Divine Creativity is ever, and in all ways, active within the realms created; maintaining order, cooperation, harmony, and daily productivity, sustenance, enrichment, fostering growth, and well being at all times, everywhere, and in all ways.


Survival is a natural outcome of Divine Creative Power. The most wonderful provisions have been made for all living things to grow; be healed of illnesses and injury; nourished in order to keep body, mind, heart, and spirit healthy; and, to produce its own kind in order to ensure survival.

The stars, sun, moon, and planets, all possess their own paths of movement, evolutionary forms, and cycles of existence; these phenomena are all parts of the grand scheme for survival in creation. This world is but a shadow, an image of the hidden worlds of Loving Intelligent Creative Power beyond this dimension. This visible world is only part of the vast, entirety of reality beyond our current bodily senses, mental conceptions, and spiritual sensitivities.


Rhythm is an inherent characteristic of Loving Intelligent Creative Power. Everything is subject to seasons, blossoming and burgeoning in life; growing in season, ripening, and making ready for harvest; and, producing seeds to ensure survival of life. There is a gradual dying away; and resting period. Nothing created and living becomes extinct; rather, it changes form expressing life in a new dimension of Reality. The suns, moons, and planets express these characteristics within the universe. Everything in creation has its due time for appearance and harvest. Humanity, and all earthly beings are subject to the tides of growth, success, dormancy, and evolution.

Law and Order

Law and Order are inherent characteristics of Loving, Intelligent Creative Power. Creative Power exhibits intelligent, purposeful, and loving concern for all living things, within a Perfect System of Law and Order. With ever higher and higher levels of spiritual exaltation, and consciousness, come tremendously heightened states of being, perception, radiance, ecstasy, joy, and love. We come to know that each and everything is filled with Loving, Intelligent, Divine Creative Power, and we are all one with everything around our individual being, and, in due time, one with the sky, the stars, and all higher and lower realms of creation.

Unity and Love

Wonderful vistas of glorious creativity come to our bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits, in due time. Gradually, we individually, and collectively, ascend in consciousness until we truly express, through our transformed bodies, minds, and hearts, the very Nature of Loving, Intelligent, Divine, Universal Creative Power. Life becomes a State of Heaven, at all times, and we exist in a State of Eternal Life, with full awareness of all beginnings, middles, and ends; at One With The I Am That I Am; at One With The I Am That I Will Always Be; at One With Loving Intelligent Divine Creative Power.

Absolutely nothing is impossible for perfecting humanity into the future. Divine Creative Power is now, and always has been, within each of us, giving each life, limb, and everything else needed. This realization, in due time, lifts each of us to heights of rapture, elation and sublime ecstasy. A day will come when our bodies will dissolve into the expanse of the Loving, Intelligent, Divine Creative Power we are now, and we are becoming. Irradiated with Light, we will shine; and sing praises to The Creator of Everything. We will work in; we will work through; and, we will work for all Creation, unceasingly.

Note: Statements and interpretations of mine based on information from the Christ's Letters series.


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