Universal Laws
Universal Law of Divine Oneness
Everything is connected to everything else. What we think, say, do and believe will have a corresponding effect on others and the universe around us.
Law of Vibration
Everything in the Universe moves, vibrates and travels in cyclical patterns. The same principles of vibration in the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires and will, in the non-physical realms. Each sound, thing, and thought has its own vibration or frequency which is unique unto itself.
Law of Action
Orderly actions are necessary to manifest things on earth. Our thoughts, dreams, emotions, and words must be consistent with our actions, that support the I Am Primal Will to Good, in order to achieve fulfillment of the I Am Desires and Goals.
Law of Correspondence
The principles or laws of physics seek to explain the physical world. Energy, light, vibration, and motion have their corresponding principles in the universe. "As above, so below."
Law of Cause and Effect
Nothing happens by chance, or outside the Universal Laws. Every Action, every thought, has a reaction or consequence. "We reap what we sow."
Law of Compensation
Blessings and abundance come as a result of the Law of Cause and Effect. The visible effects of our deeds come to us in gifts, money, inheritances, friendships and blessings. We are rewarded, not according to our work or time, but according to the measure of the Love we give. When we receive a pay check, be grateful for it, and so encourage it to multiply. When any money comes to us, even a penny on the street, be grateful for it, and whatever we are grateful for multiplies.
I feel Love and Gratitude whenever I pay for anything. I imagine an abundance of money, for the person and people I am giving it to, and I really mean it. Whatever I give out, I receive back in kind. Real heart-felt Gratitude multiplies it for me, so I have a good reason to smile and say Thank You. I am going to get back more than I am paying for now. I get excited. I play with this awareness. I pour on the compliments. I let my Thanks overflow. I think about how much fun this is now, and how much fun it is going to be when the payoff comes in, multiplied, and overflowing.
Any time I hear of another person receiving more money or success, I get excited. It means I am on a good frequency. I am excited, as if it is happening to me. My reaction is everything. When I react with joy, excitement, genuine happiness for the other person, I am saying Yes to more money, and success for myself. I help them express Gratitude, and Thank them for sharing this great news.
Each person is compensated in like manner for that which he or she has contributed. We will always be compensated for our efforts, for our contributions, whatever it is. However much, or however little it is. We are compensated, in the long term, for what love we put in, and for the resulting love expressed, as a consequence of our original impetus. The income we earn today, is our compensation for what we have done, and earned, in the past. We can increase our compensation, by increasing the value of our contribution, with greater amounts, and qualities of the Love we give to others.
Law of Attraction
We attract things, events, and people into our lives. Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energies which attract like energies. Negative energies attract negative energies. Positive energies attract positive energies. When I play I feel really good, and then, really good circumstances come into my life. Seriousness brings serious circumstances.
Lighten up; life, learning, and the experience, and expression of love, is suppose to be joyful. The Law of Attraction does not know if I am imagining, day dreaming, pretending, or playing. So whatever I imagine, and play around with in my mind, will become real. I have fun, and act like I already have what I desire now. I use my imagination. I use every prop I can find. I create games of imagination, and play. I repeat these games often. I feel the energy, and encourage excitement to build. I know it is just a matter of time before I get what I Am wants.
Law of Perpetual Energy Transmutation
All people have within them the power to change the conditions of their lives. Higher vibrations can consume, and transform lower ones; likewise, negative vibrations can consume, and transform higher ones. Each of us can change, already possess the power to change, the energies in our lives, by understanding the Universal Laws, and by applying them to effect our desired changes. We must each one choose what we love, and what we desire; what thoughts, feelings, words, and actions we choose to express; we must choose who, what, where, when, why, and how we, individually, and collectively, will become.
Law of Relativity
Every person gets problems, tests and challenges to strengthen their Light. Within each of these opportunities are experiences, which will connect to our hearts, as we proceed to solve the problems, and will stay in our memories, to mold, and guide us in our evolution as spiritual beings. This law teaches us to put our problems into proper perspective. No matter how we perceive our situation, there is always someone worse, or better off. It is all relative.
Law of Polarity
Everything is on a continuum. Everything has an opposite. We can reduce and transform undesirable thoughts by concentrating on their opposites. We can use positive mental vibrations to counter negative ones.
Law of Rhythm
Everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Every cycle reflects the regularity of the universe. We rise above negative parts of a cycle, by not getting too enraged, or allowing negative things to linger in our consciousness. When we accept, and embrace, these negative opportunities, in order to recognize, experience, overcome, and remove these shadows from our lives, and the world, we will be better able to express our love, and the Love of the Primal Will to Good, in the world.
Law of Gender
All things manifest as feminine and masculine, Yin and Yang, passive and active, receiving and giving. This law governs what we know as creation. Everything in nature is both male and female. Both are required for life to exist.
Law of Resonance
The Law of Resonance determines the various vibratory patterns or frequencies of thoughts, beliefs and emotions. These frequencies activate the Law of Attraction. The projected energies harmonize with target vibratory frequencies to determine and create physical results. Each visible substance possesses its own unique vibration or frequency. A change in the rate of vibration produces a change in the appearance of matter. As consciousness awakens, energies change, and so the appearance of matter changes.
Law of Growth
Creation is constant and growth is effected by the kind and quality of the seed planted. The energies projected determine the kind and quality of the seed. The process of growth is predictable, immutable, and unwavering. When we become more conscious, and purposeful in what we project or plant, we receive and harvest what we plant in every area of our life.
Law of Abundance
The Universe is continually growing and resources are abundant. The Universe is continuously producing and multiplying. The resulting abundance is determined only by the kind and quality of the seeds or energies projected.
Law of Reciprocity
The Law Of Reciprocity is intricately connected and harmonizes perfectly with all Universal Laws. Reciprocity initiates and creates an unwavering, and unfailing process, which gives and takes in kind or degree.
Law of Receiving
The universe operates through dynamic exchange; giving and receiving, are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe. And in our willingness to give that which we seek, we keep the abundance of the universe circulating in our lives.
Law of Increase
Whatever we are grateful for, we are sure to receive more of it. Gratitude is one of the highest expressions of Love. Every time we feel Gratitude, we are giving Love. Say Thank You before every Miracle. Gratitude for the Abundance we have received is the best guarantee that our Abundance will continue. Be positive, and grateful towards everyone.
Say Thank You for every thing; every service rendered; every smile; every moment; every day, and as many times as we can. More Gratitude is always better. More Gratitude multiplies everything we Love. Gratitude attracts more of every thing good to us. Gratitude brings more Love into our Life. Gratitude transforms our Life. Gratitude costs us nothing. Gratitude showers us with riches beyond measure.
Law of Resistance
Our conscious mind can discriminate between a negative instruction and a positive one. But, our subconscious mind is fully engaged in managing our reality. Its primary function is to act on the choices made by the conscious mind, not to second guess the directions coming from the conscious mind. With our thoughts, feelings, and habitual beliefs, we invite people, situations, experiences and material things into our life. Don’t, Can’t, Won’t, and Not are negative words which invoke the Law of Resistance. Resisting failure or poverty is counter productive. Instead, attract success, wealth, and abundance. Always embrace the positive, rather than resisting the negative.
Law of Forgiveness
Forgiveness of our self, and others, restores the truth of our own being. Forgiveness brings freedom and transparency. Forgiveness restores our life. When our life is transparent we are free, wise, and, of service to all. Forgiveness is not just a mental process of rationalizing thoughts, and words. Forgiveness must be felt in our heart, and given, from the heart. Forgiveness is a heart-centered tool, and empty words, or gestures, do not bring us energies of love, compassion, and acceptance. Honestly heart-felt forgiveness, allows us to receive healing, liberating vibrations, and, feelings of love, compassion, and acceptance.
Note: Compiled from various lists on the Internet, added to and clarified by me for mine own understanding and perspective.
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