Sunday, September 27, 2020

Republican Power Plays

President Trump declared on Friday, 2020.09.25 that the only way he’ll lose the election is if the Democrats cheat.

“We’re not going to lose this except if they cheat,” Trump told the crowd. “Our country is at stake.”

State Legislatures Controlled by:

Republicans ===> 29
Democrats ===> 19
Divided ===> 2
Total 50

Electoral College Votes Controlled by:

Republicans ===> 300
Democrats ===> 223
Divided ===> 15
Total 538

A 20-person team of lawyers is on slate to oversee Trump's election disputing strategy, which is mainly focused on the election process in the 17 key states the Trump campaign is targeting, like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan.

On the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December, the Electoral College Electors meet in their respective States.

At this meeting, the Electors cast their votes for President and Vice President.

** There is no Constitutional provision or Federal law requiring Electors to vote in accordance with the popular vote in their States. **

However, some States have such popular vote requirements.

Any controversy or contest concerning the appointment of Electors must be decided under State law at least six days before the meeting of the Electors.

If a designated Elector is unable to carry out the required duties on the day of the Electoral College meeting, the laws of each State govern the method for filling vacancies.

When Trump Cries Democratic Fraud after the 2020 Election:

How many State Legislatures, Governors, and Electors will agree with Trump and negate the popular vote in their States?

270 Electoral votes are needed to elect the President of the United States of America.

President Trump said at his Middletown, PA rally on Saturday, 2020.09.26, "I don't want to go back to Congress either. Even though we have an advantage if we go back to Congress. Does everyone understand that? I think it's 26-22 or something, because it's counted one vote per State. So we actually have an advantage."

A tie vote of 269 Electoral votes for each candidate results in a Contingent Election in the United States.

A Contingent Election for the President is decided by a vote of the United States House of Representatives, and the Contingent Election for the Vice President is decided by a vote of the United States Senate.

In the Contingent Election procedure, each House state delegation casts one en bloc vote to determine the president, rather than a vote for each representative. Senators instead cast votes individually for vice president.

House of Representatives State Delegations?

Republicans ===> 29
Democrats ===> 19
Divided ===> 2
Total 50

Contingent Elections are extremely rare, having occurred only three times in American history, but are not unprecedented.

If Trump loses in the House of Representatives Presidential Electoral Vote, do you really believe Trump will then concede to Biden?

President Trump said at his Middletown, PA rally on 2020.09.26, "I don't want to end up in the Supreme Court..."

When Trump petitions the Supreme Court alleging Democratic Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Elections or in the House of Representatives Presidential Electoral Vote, how do you think the Supreme Court will vote?

Supreme Court Justices

Conservative Leaning

1991 Clarence Thomas
2018 Brett Kavanaugh
2017 Neil Gorsuch
2006 Samuel Alito
2005 John Roberts

Liberal Leaning

1994 Stephen Breyer
2009 Sonia Sotomayor
2010 Elena Kagan

When Democrats petition the Supreme Court alleging Republican / Trump Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election, how do you think the Supreme Court will vote?

The United States of America is a Republic.

Will the raw, legally sanctioned, institionalized power of the Republican controlled States, US President, US House of Representatives Electors, US Senate, and US Supreme Court trump the popular votes of the People of the United States of America?

I voted early on Friday, 2020.09.18. I voted in-person with face mask, face shield, clean hands and proper social distancing. Who I voted for is my business, my civic duty, my responsibility, my right and my honor as a Citizen of the United States of America.

I am a Vietnam Era Veteran who enlisted in 1968 and served in the US Air Force. My paternal grandfather who was a farmer served in the US Army. My father who was a mechanic served in the US Marine Corp. My son served in Afghanistan in the US Marine Corp.

In some people's minds, my family and I are suckers and losers for our service in the US Military. My family has over the last century defended these people's right to think however they want. I however, am proud of my family's service to our great country and our people.

Now, you and I are faced with the very real possibility, that the political powers within "the Republic for which" we stand, will deftly maneuver an outcome in a Presidential election that suits their political interests, rather than "the liberty and justice for all" for which we pledged.

Principles of Democracy. Words of Liberty, Justice and Equality for All. My Oath of Enlistment to defend the Constitution and obey the lawful orders of the President and my superior officers.

Whether I voted for Democrats or Republicans from 1972 to 2020, I believed that the United States of America was and is a Democratically elected Republic guided by a profoundly enlightened Constitution and a diversity of leaders and institutions which deserved my support and allegiance.

I sincerely believe that the letter of the law is important. I do my best to live my life obeying our laws, but more than obedience, I strive to live my life guided by a Higher Spirit.

My vote is my business. My religious beliefs are my business. I, personally, would like to see our United States of America, individually and collectively move toward more Democratic forms of governance at all local, state and federal levels.

I believe the United States of America can evolve into "a more perfect Union." North, South, East or West. Red, Yellow, Black, Blue, Brown or White - All Our Lives Matter. Law and Order Matters. Safety and Protection Matters. The list of important matters goes on.

I vote expecting my my vote to be counted. My candidate of choice does not always win. In our Republic my vote and yours can be overruled. You may like that. I however, may not like it at all. Regardless of how we feel, that is how our system of government can operate under unusual and infrequent circumstances.

As sons and daughters of "Liberty and Justice for All," let us individually and collectively vote for a "more perfect union" as we see it and want it to become.


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