Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Great People

Great people
Work with great people
To bring all people
To the way of greatness.


Great Joy

I see your greatness.
Be great with me.
Great will be our joy.



See greatness.
Be great.
Spread greatness around.


Making Love

If sex is really
Making love,
Then what does
That make you?


Great Sex

Great sex
Begins and ends
In the mind.

Can you think
Of anything else?


We Are Healed

God is in me.
God is in me.
God is in me.
Right now
I am clean.

In God's presence
There is health.
In God's presence
There is wealth.
In God's presence
There are all good things
Bringing love and joy into my life.

God is in me.
God is in me.
God is in me.
Right now.
Right now.

I am healed.
I am healed.
I am healed.
Right now
I am clean.

In my presence
There is health.
In my presence
There is wealth.
In my presence
There are all good things
Bringing love and joy into my life.

I am healed.
I am healed.
I am healed.
Right now.
Right now.

You are healed.
You are healed.
You are healed.
Right now
You are clean.

In our presence
There is health.
In our presence
There is wealth.
In our presence
There are all good things
Bringing love and joy into our lives.

We are healed.
We are healed.
We are healed.
Right now.
Right now.
