Friday, April 02, 2010


Where am I going
In such a hurry?
Am I so pressed to stride
Towards that shining light?

Professing a belief
In God's eternal plan,
Having experienced moments
Of peace and tranquility,
I know this one moment
Of pain and press
Cannot but pass away in time.

Assured of an opportunity to serve,
This discordant note will counterpoise
And heighten the ecstasy for us all
When the bells of time ring out
And herald peace of earth,
Goodwill to all.


Some words can bend
The metal of one's soul.
One word is like the whip
Which cracks and slashes it message
So deeply into a bare bent back.

Tra-di-tion. Tra-di-tion.

The word and whip press deep
The pain of might, not right.
The accepted way.
The traditional path
To fame and fortune,
To education and success.

Tradition dictates no less the whip.
Step lively, mate!
The tongue strikes swift and deep
On those who miss a beat.

Times have changed!
The plea for mercy
Screams to no avail.
Work harder!
Be a traditional male!

A star in school
With letters, grades
And, at least, vice-president.
On, march on in step, in time.
College. Career. Marriage. House.

Tradition. Tradition. Tradition.

Why so much? Why so much?

I love the past.
I revel in the deeds
Of those before.
Their marks are clear
For much of the journey here.

We scout a new horizon
To build upon the past.
We envision a new tradition
Where the feet of men
And women tread softly
Amid the relics of the past.

Where the minds of all beings
Work diligently on the problems of today.
Where the hearts of one and all
Reach valiantly toward the future
And well-being of all mankind.

Tradition can help,
Rather than hurt
When tempered by
The Master's touch.

Want Not Want

I want starts early in life.
Think about the many wants you've had.
When did you first hear or know
Your wants are unbounded? Limitless?

Did your mind acknowledge this information
And proceed to want more and more?
Have you reached the level of wanting
Peace on earth? No Nukes? Equal Rights?

When did you turn the corner
On wanting and getting?

Remember the feelings, the power, the ingenuity
Of turning a potential into a reality?
An opportunity into a business?
An idea into a machine? An organization?
A performance? Or a poem?

I want to do this
And now it is done!
Wow! Golly Gee!

If I want it badly enough
I can make it happen.
Sadat, Begin, and Carter
Want peace in the Middle East.

How can peace be realized
With Arafat, Brezhnev, and Komeini?

Somehow it does not flow.
Remove the obstacles!
Make way for peace!
Whose will be done?

Will you give your life
For love or money, peace or what?
What do you want badly enough?
I wonder what Elvis wanted at last?

What strange twists of mind
Convince us of our lot in life?
Wanting. Getting. Giving way.
Wanting. Getting. Giving way.
Life seems to be a cycle
Of spiraling wants.

What does God want anyway?
Love and adoration
Seem rather juvenile from here.
How about equality
And justice for all?

No test of wills with me dear God.
Count me one among the grains of sand.
Free will firm in hand
I want to ride, not fight the wind.

I want not want,
But have want nonetheless.