Friday, May 24, 2013



Thoughts blossom into actions.
The fruits of action are
Joy and Suffering.
Life is sweet or bitter by
The thoughts and actions of Mankind.

Masters of thought.
Molders of character.
Makers and shapers of Conditions,
Environments and Destiny.

Beings of Power,
Intelligence and Love.
Lords of thought.
The key to every situation.

Transforming will.
Generative agents of change.
The mind contained within
Makes what Mankind wills.

Finding every truth to be
Connected with one's being;
Digging deeply into the soul
Understanding, Wisdom and Power abound.

Seek and you will find.
Knock and it will be opened to you.

Patience, Practice and Ceaseless Liberty
Open the Temple of Knowledge
To Humanity’s pressing need to grow and learn,
To have and hold,
To evolve, transform and transcend
The bonds of space and time;

Ever reaching, ever striving
Beyond Eternity where cause and effect are linked.
