Sunday, September 27, 2020

Republican Power Plays

President Trump declared on Friday, 2020.09.25 that the only way he’ll lose the election is if the Democrats cheat.

“We’re not going to lose this except if they cheat,” Trump told the crowd. “Our country is at stake.”

State Legislatures Controlled by:

Republicans ===> 29
Democrats ===> 19
Divided ===> 2
Total 50

Electoral College Votes Controlled by:

Republicans ===> 300
Democrats ===> 223
Divided ===> 15
Total 538

A 20-person team of lawyers is on slate to oversee Trump's election disputing strategy, which is mainly focused on the election process in the 17 key states the Trump campaign is targeting, like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan.

On the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December, the Electoral College Electors meet in their respective States.

At this meeting, the Electors cast their votes for President and Vice President.

** There is no Constitutional provision or Federal law requiring Electors to vote in accordance with the popular vote in their States. **

However, some States have such popular vote requirements.

Any controversy or contest concerning the appointment of Electors must be decided under State law at least six days before the meeting of the Electors.

If a designated Elector is unable to carry out the required duties on the day of the Electoral College meeting, the laws of each State govern the method for filling vacancies.

When Trump Cries Democratic Fraud after the 2020 Election:

How many State Legislatures, Governors, and Electors will agree with Trump and negate the popular vote in their States?

270 Electoral votes are needed to elect the President of the United States of America.

President Trump said at his Middletown, PA rally on Saturday, 2020.09.26, "I don't want to go back to Congress either. Even though we have an advantage if we go back to Congress. Does everyone understand that? I think it's 26-22 or something, because it's counted one vote per State. So we actually have an advantage."

A tie vote of 269 Electoral votes for each candidate results in a Contingent Election in the United States.

A Contingent Election for the President is decided by a vote of the United States House of Representatives, and the Contingent Election for the Vice President is decided by a vote of the United States Senate.

In the Contingent Election procedure, each House state delegation casts one en bloc vote to determine the president, rather than a vote for each representative. Senators instead cast votes individually for vice president.

House of Representatives State Delegations?

Republicans ===> 29
Democrats ===> 19
Divided ===> 2
Total 50

Contingent Elections are extremely rare, having occurred only three times in American history, but are not unprecedented.

If Trump loses in the House of Representatives Presidential Electoral Vote, do you really believe Trump will then concede to Biden?

President Trump said at his Middletown, PA rally on 2020.09.26, "I don't want to end up in the Supreme Court..."

When Trump petitions the Supreme Court alleging Democratic Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Elections or in the House of Representatives Presidential Electoral Vote, how do you think the Supreme Court will vote?

Supreme Court Justices

Conservative Leaning

1991 Clarence Thomas
2018 Brett Kavanaugh
2017 Neil Gorsuch
2006 Samuel Alito
2005 John Roberts

Liberal Leaning

1994 Stephen Breyer
2009 Sonia Sotomayor
2010 Elena Kagan

When Democrats petition the Supreme Court alleging Republican / Trump Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election, how do you think the Supreme Court will vote?

The United States of America is a Republic.

Will the raw, legally sanctioned, institionalized power of the Republican controlled States, US President, US House of Representatives Electors, US Senate, and US Supreme Court trump the popular votes of the People of the United States of America?

I voted early on Friday, 2020.09.18. I voted in-person with face mask, face shield, clean hands and proper social distancing. Who I voted for is my business, my civic duty, my responsibility, my right and my honor as a Citizen of the United States of America.

I am a Vietnam Era Veteran who enlisted in 1968 and served in the US Air Force. My paternal grandfather who was a farmer served in the US Army. My father who was a mechanic served in the US Marine Corp. My son served in Afghanistan in the US Marine Corp.

In some people's minds, my family and I are suckers and losers for our service in the US Military. My family has over the last century defended these people's right to think however they want. I however, am proud of my family's service to our great country and our people.

Now, you and I are faced with the very real possibility, that the political powers within "the Republic for which" we stand, will deftly maneuver an outcome in a Presidential election that suits their political interests, rather than "the liberty and justice for all" for which we pledged.

Principles of Democracy. Words of Liberty, Justice and Equality for All. My Oath of Enlistment to defend the Constitution and obey the lawful orders of the President and my superior officers.

Whether I voted for Democrats or Republicans from 1972 to 2020, I believed that the United States of America was and is a Democratically elected Republic guided by a profoundly enlightened Constitution and a diversity of leaders and institutions which deserved my support and allegiance.

I sincerely believe that the letter of the law is important. I do my best to live my life obeying our laws, but more than obedience, I strive to live my life guided by a Higher Spirit.

My vote is my business. My religious beliefs are my business. I, personally, would like to see our United States of America, individually and collectively move toward more Democratic forms of governance at all local, state and federal levels.

I believe the United States of America can evolve into "a more perfect Union." North, South, East or West. Red, Yellow, Black, Blue, Brown or White - All Our Lives Matter. Law and Order Matters. Safety and Protection Matters. The list of important matters goes on.

I vote expecting my my vote to be counted. My candidate of choice does not always win. In our Republic my vote and yours can be overruled. You may like that. I however, may not like it at all. Regardless of how we feel, that is how our system of government can operate under unusual and infrequent circumstances.

As sons and daughters of "Liberty and Justice for All," let us individually and collectively vote for a "more perfect union" as we see it and want it to become.

Friday, September 25, 2020

A Serious Dilemma

Our Democratic Republic is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

So, what do we call Donald J Trump after he and his packed Supreme Court negate the people's votes?

Partial list to consider:

Absolute Monarch
Consiglio Federale
Grand Vizier
His Majesty
Il Duce
Prime Minister
Supreme Leader

Defense Department officials recently said,

The military, by law, the takes a vow to the Constitution, not to the president, and that vow means that the commander in chief of the military is whoever is sworn in at 12:01 p.m. on Inauguration Day.

Military Oath of Enlistment

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;

that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and

that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States

and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

The way I remember my US Military Oath of Enlistment was to "support and defend the Constitution" and "obey the orders of the President of the United States."

The US Military

The military in a democracy exists to protect the nation and the freedoms of its people.

It must not represent or support any particular political viewpoint or ethnic or social group.

Its loyalty is to the larger ideals of the nation, to the rule of law, and to the principle of democracy itself.

The purpose of a military is to defend society, not define it... armed services must remain separate from politics.

The military are the neutral servants of the state and the guardians of society.

US Legislators

Legislators have a responsibility to articulate their views as effectively as possible.

But Legislators must work within the democratic ethic of tolerance, respect, and compromise to reach agreements that will benefit the general welfare of all the people - not just their political supporters.

US Judiciary

The power of judges to review public laws and declare them in violation of the nation's constitution serves as a fundamental check on potential government abuse of power - even if the government is elected by a popular majority.

This power of judges, however, requires that the courts be seen as fundamentally independent and non-partisan and able to rest their decisions upon the law, not political considerations.

The People of the United States

In the end, people living in a democratic republic, like the United States of America, must serve as the ultimate guardians of their own freedom

and must forge their own path toward the ideals set forth in the preamble to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

Recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace in the world.

So, here we are now, in a moment of history more real than I want to admit. What if President Trump loses the 2020 election and the Supreme Court of the United States rules the election to be invalid, null and void, what will you do then?

Please be serious in considering your answer. Now may be a time that tries all our souls.

Thursday, March 05, 2015

When Faced With Adversity


I am completely responsible for my actions, attitudes, intentions, health, happiness, and all aspects of who, what, where, when, and how my life transpires. I do not blame others for my problems, unpleasant circumstances, difficulties, or my perplexing, dangerous, or adverse encounters.


I do not permit my own low self-esteem, self-limiting beliefs, or the negativity of others, to prevent me from achieving (1) my authentic, non-self-seeking goals; (2) the highest goals for the Good of All from The I Am That I Am; and (3) becoming the person The I Am Within Me desires for me to be.


I choose to do things, that I am afraid to do, in order to manifest, support, and express, the Primal Will to Good. I humbly, respectfully, and gratefully, ask for help from the I Am That I Am, and from others guided to me by the I Am, to do that which I cannot do by myself alone.


I strive to willingly, lovingly, and enthusiastically, help and serve others, without concern, or expectation of, reciprocity, repayment, or reward.


I acknowledge directly, boldly, and honestly, my personal responsibility in all rejections and failures, with courage, awareness, and perseverance in my self correction, and in my commitment to achieve harmonious, and beneficial, outcomes for all those involved, and effected by the circumstances encountered.


I may not understand why an adverse, evil, hostile, unfriendly, unfavorable, unlucky, unfortunate, disastrous, calamitous, or catastrophic event happens. I nevertheless, consciously choose to find within me the strength, compassion, and grace to persevere in personally overcoming of all negatives, with positive spiritual energy, constructive actions, and love. I acknowledge that every thing, and every circumstance, has its perfect place in life; even bad feelings, adversities, sufferings, and life taking events have some meaning and purpose for the highest good of all.


I am sincerely grateful for, I give heart-felt thanks for, all the love, beauty, energy, experiences, and fruitfulness of this day. I show my gratitude, and appreciation, for what little, or for what abundance, I receive today through my positive attitudes, my constructive actions, and through my personal expressions of the Divine Primal Will to Good, and the Universal Unconditional Love of the I Am That I Am.

Laws of Adversity

1. Adversity is unavoidable. Bad things happen to all people, to all beings, to the evil and the good, to the weak and the mighty, and, to the innocent and the guilty. I can choose to forgive, or not. I can choose to love, or not. The I Am That I Am wants me to live fully, bravely, lovingly, meaningfully, with forgiveness, and mercy in this world, in all times, and in all circumstances, good, bad, or otherwise.

2. I may not be able to choose, whether or not, I must suffer adversities, but I can choose whether I give into the darkness, or whether I diligently strive to obtain The Primal Will to Good, in the adversities confronting me. All suffering comes from serving oneself. All happiness comes from serving others.

3. I learn and grow more from my setbacks, than from my successes. Lessons learned through adversity prepare me for greater challenges, future accomplishments, and the highest evolution of my spiritual consciousness, awareness, and usefulness to The I Am That I Am.

4. Surviving adversity builds self-confidence. Overcoming adversities provide personal experiences that warrant a realistic, and well founded basis for a more, positive perspective on future opportunities, and adversities.

5. Adversity helps prevent (1) excessive pride or self-confidence; (2) arrogance or an offensive display of superiority or self-importance; (3) overbearing pride; (4) complacency or misguided feelings of quiet pleasure or security, while also being unaware of potential dangers, defects, or the like; and, (5) unrealistic or smug self-satisfaction with an existing situation or condition. (6) Adversity encourages moderation, discretion, and prudence.

6. Adversities force me to look at, and seriously consider, more creative solutions. Hidden opportunities for improvement, growth, and better outcomes exist within every adversity. Strength and courage are required to search for and to pursue the hidden opportunities in adversity.

7. What is fought for and gained, by battling through adversities, will be considered as hard won, will be highly valued, tenaciously maintained, and longer retained.

8. A valley filled with adversities leads to greater appreciation of the pinnacles of success.

9. Lessons learned through adversity are hard to forget, provide experiences worth sharing to benefit others, and are excellent teaching opportunities for yourself and others.

10. Adversity is a quiet teacher whose profound wisdom requires careful probing, intense consideration, and reflective contemplation, for its lessons to be explored, learned, extrapolated, and inculcated into habitual beneficial behaviors.

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Universal Laws

Universal Law of Divine Oneness

Everything is connected to everything else. What we think, say, do and believe will have a corresponding effect on others and the universe around us.

Law of Vibration

Everything in the Universe moves, vibrates and travels in cyclical patterns. The same principles of vibration in the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires and will, in the non-physical realms. Each sound, thing, and thought has its own vibration or frequency which is unique unto itself.

Law of Action

Orderly actions are necessary to manifest things on earth. Our thoughts, dreams, emotions, and words must be consistent with our actions, that support the I Am Primal Will to Good, in order to achieve fulfillment of the I Am Desires and Goals.

Law of Correspondence

The principles or laws of physics seek to explain the physical world. Energy, light, vibration, and motion have their corresponding principles in the universe. "As above, so below."

Law of Cause and Effect

Nothing happens by chance, or outside the Universal Laws. Every Action, every thought, has a reaction or consequence. "We reap what we sow."

Law of Compensation

Blessings and abundance come as a result of the Law of Cause and Effect. The visible effects of our deeds come to us in gifts, money, inheritances, friendships and blessings. We are rewarded, not according to our work or time, but according to the measure of the Love we give. When we receive a pay check, be grateful for it, and so encourage it to multiply. When any money comes to us, even a penny on the street, be grateful for it, and whatever we are grateful for multiplies.

I feel Love and Gratitude whenever I pay for anything. I imagine an abundance of money, for the person and people I am giving it to, and I really mean it. Whatever I give out, I receive back in kind. Real heart-felt Gratitude multiplies it for me, so I have a good reason to smile and say Thank You. I am going to get back more than I am paying for now. I get excited. I play with this awareness. I pour on the compliments. I let my Thanks overflow. I think about how much fun this is now, and how much fun it is going to be when the payoff comes in, multiplied, and overflowing.

Any time I hear of another person receiving more money or success, I get excited. It means I am on a good frequency. I am excited, as if it is happening to me. My reaction is everything. When I react with joy, excitement, genuine happiness for the other person, I am saying Yes to more money, and success for myself. I help them express Gratitude, and Thank them for sharing this great news.

Each person is compensated in like manner for that which he or she has contributed. We will always be compensated for our efforts, for our contributions, whatever it is. However much, or however little it is. We are compensated, in the long term, for what love we put in, and for the resulting love expressed, as a consequence of our original impetus. The income we earn today, is our compensation for what we have done, and earned, in the past. We can increase our compensation, by increasing the value of our contribution, with greater amounts, and qualities of the Love we give to others.

Law of Attraction

We attract things, events, and people into our lives. Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energies which attract like energies. Negative energies attract negative energies. Positive energies attract positive energies. When I play I feel really good, and then, really good circumstances come into my life. Seriousness brings serious circumstances.

Lighten up; life, learning, and the experience, and expression of love, is suppose to be joyful. The Law of Attraction does not know if I am imagining, day dreaming, pretending, or playing. So whatever I imagine, and play around with in my mind, will become real. I have fun, and act like I already have what I desire now. I use my imagination. I use every prop I can find. I create games of imagination, and play. I repeat these games often. I feel the energy, and encourage excitement to build. I know it is just a matter of time before I get what I Am wants.

Law of Perpetual Energy Transmutation

All people have within them the power to change the conditions of their lives. Higher vibrations can consume, and transform lower ones; likewise, negative vibrations can consume, and transform higher ones. Each of us can change, already possess the power to change, the energies in our lives, by understanding the Universal Laws, and by applying them to effect our desired changes. We must each one choose what we love, and what we desire; what thoughts, feelings, words, and actions we choose to express; we must choose who, what, where, when, why, and how we, individually, and collectively, will become.

Law of Relativity

Every person gets problems, tests and challenges to strengthen their Light. Within each of these opportunities are experiences, which will connect to our hearts, as we proceed to solve the problems, and will stay in our memories, to mold, and guide us in our evolution as spiritual beings. This law teaches us to put our problems into proper perspective. No matter how we perceive our situation, there is always someone worse, or better off. It is all relative.

Law of Polarity

Everything is on a continuum. Everything has an opposite. We can reduce and transform undesirable thoughts by concentrating on their opposites. We can use positive mental vibrations to counter negative ones.

Law of Rhythm

Everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Every cycle reflects the regularity of the universe. We rise above negative parts of a cycle, by not getting too enraged, or allowing negative things to linger in our consciousness. When we accept, and embrace, these negative opportunities, in order to recognize, experience, overcome, and remove these shadows from our lives, and the world, we will be better able to express our love, and the Love of the Primal Will to Good, in the world.

Law of Gender

All things manifest as feminine and masculine, Yin and Yang, passive and active, receiving and giving. This law governs what we know as creation. Everything in nature is both male and female. Both are required for life to exist.

Law of Resonance

The Law of Resonance determines the various vibratory patterns or frequencies of thoughts, beliefs and emotions. These frequencies activate the Law of Attraction. The projected energies harmonize with target vibratory frequencies to determine and create physical results. Each visible substance possesses its own unique vibration or frequency. A change in the rate of vibration produces a change in the appearance of matter. As consciousness awakens, energies change, and so the appearance of matter changes.

Law of Growth

Creation is constant and growth is effected by the kind and quality of the seed planted. The energies projected determine the kind and quality of the seed. The process of growth is predictable, immutable, and unwavering. When we become more conscious, and purposeful in what we project or plant, we receive and harvest what we plant in every area of our life.

Law of Abundance

The Universe is continually growing and resources are abundant. The Universe is continuously producing and multiplying. The resulting abundance is determined only by the kind and quality of the seeds or energies projected.

Law of Reciprocity

The Law Of Reciprocity is intricately connected and harmonizes perfectly with all Universal Laws. Reciprocity initiates and creates an unwavering, and unfailing process, which gives and takes in kind or degree.

Law of Receiving

The universe operates through dynamic exchange; giving and receiving, are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe. And in our willingness to give that which we seek, we keep the abundance of the universe circulating in our lives.

Law of Increase

Whatever we are grateful for, we are sure to receive more of it. Gratitude is one of the highest expressions of Love. Every time we feel Gratitude, we are giving Love. Say Thank You before every Miracle. Gratitude for the Abundance we have received is the best guarantee that our Abundance will continue. Be positive, and grateful towards everyone.

Say Thank You for every thing; every service rendered; every smile; every moment; every day, and as many times as we can. More Gratitude is always better. More Gratitude multiplies everything we Love. Gratitude attracts more of every thing good to us. Gratitude brings more Love into our Life. Gratitude transforms our Life. Gratitude costs us nothing. Gratitude showers us with riches beyond measure.

Law of Resistance

Our conscious mind can discriminate between a negative instruction and a positive one. But, our subconscious mind is fully engaged in managing our reality. Its primary function is to act on the choices made by the conscious mind, not to second guess the directions coming from the conscious mind. With our thoughts, feelings, and habitual beliefs, we invite people, situations, experiences and material things into our life. Don’t, Can’t, Won’t, and Not are negative words which invoke the Law of Resistance. Resisting failure or poverty is counter productive. Instead, attract success, wealth, and abundance. Always embrace the positive, rather than resisting the negative.

Law of Forgiveness

Forgiveness of our self, and others, restores the truth of our own being. Forgiveness brings freedom and transparency. Forgiveness restores our life. When our life is transparent we are free, wise, and, of service to all. Forgiveness is not just a mental process of rationalizing thoughts, and words. Forgiveness must be felt in our heart, and given, from the heart. Forgiveness is a heart-centered tool, and empty words, or gestures, do not bring us energies of love, compassion, and acceptance. Honestly heart-felt forgiveness, allows us to receive healing, liberating vibrations, and, feelings of love, compassion, and acceptance.

Note: Compiled from various lists on the Internet, added to and clarified by me for mine own understanding and perspective.


I am Eternal, Immortal, Universal, Infinite, and What I am, is Beautiful.

1. I am a Powerful, Positive Individual; a unique creation of the Divine I Am That I Am.

2. All events in this day are for my Highest Good, and for the Highest Good of All Creation.

3. I am Beautiful. I am Adventurous. The I Am That I Am is Within Me.

4. Whatever I see, think, say, feel, believe, and do, returns to me in like form, in due time.

5. I pull to me in this day only Love, Beauty, and Growth.

6. Today is another day of Abundance, Balance, and, Creativity.

7. I Am is completely aware of my body, mind, heart, and spirit.

8. I Am is completely aware of all my needs, my wants, my intentions, and, my goals.

9. I am Eternal, Immortal, Universal, and Infinite.

10. I see only Love, Beauty, and Strength, in every moment of my life.

11. I see only Love, Beauty, and Strength, in the people and World around me.

12. What I am Sustains, Refreshes, and Strengthens all others.

13. I am Infinite. I do not Judge the evolution of others.

14. What we are right now, is for our Highest Good.

15. Each Action I take today is my expression of The Universal I Am That I Am.

16. Each Action I take today is an expression of the Divine Creative Power Within me.

17. Each Action I take today is an expression of the Unconditional Love Within me.

18. I seek to act without demands, or thoughts for reward.

19. I seek Understanding, and Enlightenment, beyond Knowledge.

20. I seek to Live beyond my Rational Mind, in Pure Love, and Devotion, without Expectation.

21. All is Universal Life Force. All is Universal Energy.

22. All is The Universal I Am That I Am. All is Universal Unconditional Love.

23. I follow the Energy of my Highest Evolution at all times.

24. I am open, at all times, to communication with my Highest, Inner Real Self.

25. Communications with The I Am That I Am Within Me, lead me to my Highest Evolution.

26. I live Life in Unity and Love. I see only Love. I hear only Love. I speak only Love.

27. I feel Love with all my heart and soul. I look for Love every where I am. I Love my Life.

28. I imagine what I Am Desires. I imagine being what I Am Desires. I see myself having what I Am Desires.

29. I feel Love for What I Am imagining. I feel Grateful and Joyful in having what I Am Desires.

30. I Give Love. I Receive Love. I Imagine Love. I Feel Love. I Receive Love. I Give Love.

31. I encounter fresh new experiences every day. I feel young, and eager, to discover my life today.

32. My Life is Rich, and Beautiful, full of opportunities for Love, Joy, and Happiness.

33. I live Peacefully, Serenely, and Respectfully, in, and towards, Nature.

34. I Live, Love, and Act, Naturally, and Spontaneously. I Am the Change I Am Wishes to see in the World.

35. People, Resources, Opportunities, and Gifts, Flow easily to me. I give Thanks for everyone, and everything.

36. I am Open to Receiving Abundantly, from The I Am That I Am Within Me.

37. I give Freely, Joyfully, and Generously, to Bless, Empower, and Love Others.

38. My Life is Peaceful, Serene, Productive, and Beautiful. I am Grateful to be alive.

39. My Purpose in Life is to choose, give, and receive what I Love.

40. My Purpose is to revel in the Joy of I Am; in the Happiness of I Am; and, in fulfilling the Dreams of I Am.

41. I am Humble, Meek, Gentle, Kind, Patient, and Spiritually Powerful.

42. I overcome all negatives, with positive Spiritual Energy, Constructive Actions, and Love.

43. I know everything has its perfect place in Life; even bad feelings, adversities, & sufferings.

44. I strive to Lighten up; to know how great, good feelings really feel; and to take charge of my feelings.

45. I feel amazing today. I am fully energized. I have good sight, good hearing, and good health.

46. I eat what is good for me. I maintain my ideal weight & good health. I sleep peacefully, & dream expansively.

47. The things I Love come to me. What I Am Desires, and what I seek, with all my Heart, finds me.

48. I give Thanks for All, the Love, Beauty, Energy, Experiences, and Fruitfulness of this day.

49. The Energy of this night brings me Review, Rebuilding, and Renewal.

50. So be it done, completed, and accomplished, for the Highest Good of All.


Love and Gratitude

Love and Gratitude

I am Who I am.
I am What I am.
I am Where I am.

I am When I am.
I am How I am.
I am Why I am.

I am Responsible for Who I am.
I am Responsible for What I am.
I am Responsible for Where I am.
I am Responsible for When I am.
I am Responsible for How I am.

I am This I am. I am That I am.
I am One with The I Am That I Am.
I am One with The I Am That I Am Within Me.
I am One with The I Am That I Will Be.
I Will Be One with What I Will Be.

I am better and better
Every day in every way that I am.

I Love The I Am That I Am Within Me.
I am Grateful for The I Am That I Am Within Me.
The I Am That I Am Within Me is My Best Friend.
The I Am That I Am Within Me is My Playmate.
I Love The I Am That I Am Within Me.

I Am Grateful for the Love That I Am.
The I Am That I Am is My Soul Mate.
The I Am That I Am is My Real Self.
I Love The I Am That I Am.

I Am Grateful for the Love That I Will Be
The I Am That I Will Be is My Creation.
The I Am That I Will Be is My Fulfillment.
I Love The I Am I Will Be.

I Love Who I Am, and Who I Will Be.
I Love What I Am, and What I Will Be.
I Love Where I Am, and Where I Will Be.
I Love When I Am, and When I Will Be.
I Love How I Am, and How I Will Be.

I Am Grateful for All That I Am.
I Am Grateful for The I Am That I Am Within Me.
I Am Grateful for The I Am That I Will Be.


Hear Now, All Beings of Love and Unity

Hear Now, All Beings of Love and Unity

The I Am That I Am
Is Unified in My Love,
With The I Am That I Am Within Me,
And With The I Will Be What I Will Be:

I Love The I Am That I Am
With all My Heart,
And with all My Soul,
And with all My Might.

I Love The I Am That I Will Be.
I Will Be What I Will Be.
I Am One in Unity and Love
With The I Am That I Am Within Me,

And with The Eternal,
Totally Benevolent,
Omnipotent, Omnipresent,
Omniscient Supreme Being,
The Creator of Everything,

The I Am That I Am.
The I Will Be What I Will Be.


Divine Consciousness


The Nature of Divine Creative Power is Growth. Everything living always grows. Growth is a universal characteristic, the undeviating principle of existence.

Nutrition and Nourishment

The Nature of Divine Creative Power is Nutrition and Nourishment. Nutrition and Nourishment are a normal and marvelously organized process within all bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits. Nutrition is provided for all living things according to individual preferences. Nourishment is ingested and digested to promote the health and well being of our body, mind, heart, and spirit.


The Nature of Divine Creative Power is Healing. Healing is a natural characteristic of existence. Healing is a natural Perfecting Process, which takes place to ensure individual comfort, and optimal conditions for growth.


The Nature of Divine Creative Power is Protection. The seemingly miraculous activities in the world are directed towards Protection. Every need of protection in bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits, have been lovingly supplied, with the greatest attention to detail, as an inherent characteristic of Protection by Divine, Intelligent Creative Power.

Fulfillment of Need

Fulfillment of Need is combined with the other dynamic characteristic of Protection. A happy, joyous, and loving care is expressed in all the small physical attributes which profoundly bear on the comfort of all living things. These physical luxuries, added to the basic physical designs, were clearly the product of an Intelligence, the Divine Creative Process, which intended existence to be comfortable and happy; free of stresses which would otherwise have been experienced by man, beast, and all living things, if these luxury items had not been given to them. Love directs all of the work of the Divine Creative Power. Love nourishes, protects, fulfills all needs, and seeks to promote healing of, and in, all things.


Work is the innate characteristic of the Loving, Intelligent, Divine Creative Power which has given individual forms their being, their mediums for growth, and fulfillment. Loving, Intelligent, Divine Creative Power works with us, through us, and for us; always prompted by, always given, and received with Love. The Infinite Power of Intelligent Divine Creativity is ever, and in all ways, active within the realms created; maintaining order, cooperation, harmony, and daily productivity, sustenance, enrichment, fostering growth, and well being at all times, everywhere, and in all ways.


Survival is a natural outcome of Divine Creative Power. The most wonderful provisions have been made for all living things to grow; be healed of illnesses and injury; nourished in order to keep body, mind, heart, and spirit healthy; and, to produce its own kind in order to ensure survival.

The stars, sun, moon, and planets, all possess their own paths of movement, evolutionary forms, and cycles of existence; these phenomena are all parts of the grand scheme for survival in creation. This world is but a shadow, an image of the hidden worlds of Loving Intelligent Creative Power beyond this dimension. This visible world is only part of the vast, entirety of reality beyond our current bodily senses, mental conceptions, and spiritual sensitivities.


Rhythm is an inherent characteristic of Loving Intelligent Creative Power. Everything is subject to seasons, blossoming and burgeoning in life; growing in season, ripening, and making ready for harvest; and, producing seeds to ensure survival of life. There is a gradual dying away; and resting period. Nothing created and living becomes extinct; rather, it changes form expressing life in a new dimension of Reality. The suns, moons, and planets express these characteristics within the universe. Everything in creation has its due time for appearance and harvest. Humanity, and all earthly beings are subject to the tides of growth, success, dormancy, and evolution.

Law and Order

Law and Order are inherent characteristics of Loving, Intelligent Creative Power. Creative Power exhibits intelligent, purposeful, and loving concern for all living things, within a Perfect System of Law and Order. With ever higher and higher levels of spiritual exaltation, and consciousness, come tremendously heightened states of being, perception, radiance, ecstasy, joy, and love. We come to know that each and everything is filled with Loving, Intelligent, Divine Creative Power, and we are all one with everything around our individual being, and, in due time, one with the sky, the stars, and all higher and lower realms of creation.

Unity and Love

Wonderful vistas of glorious creativity come to our bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits, in due time. Gradually, we individually, and collectively, ascend in consciousness until we truly express, through our transformed bodies, minds, and hearts, the very Nature of Loving, Intelligent, Divine, Universal Creative Power. Life becomes a State of Heaven, at all times, and we exist in a State of Eternal Life, with full awareness of all beginnings, middles, and ends; at One With The I Am That I Am; at One With The I Am That I Will Always Be; at One With Loving Intelligent Divine Creative Power.

Absolutely nothing is impossible for perfecting humanity into the future. Divine Creative Power is now, and always has been, within each of us, giving each life, limb, and everything else needed. This realization, in due time, lifts each of us to heights of rapture, elation and sublime ecstasy. A day will come when our bodies will dissolve into the expanse of the Loving, Intelligent, Divine Creative Power we are now, and we are becoming. Irradiated with Light, we will shine; and sing praises to The Creator of Everything. We will work in; we will work through; and, we will work for all Creation, unceasingly.

Note: Statements and interpretations of mine based on information from the Christ's Letters series.

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Aware and Empowered

Aware and Empowered

I am aware, and I acknowledge,
That יהוה YיHהVוHה; Yodי, Heyה, Vavו, Heyה;
The I Am That I Am;
The Eternal; Totally Benevolent;
Omnipotent; Omnipresent;
Omniscient Supreme Being;
The Creator of Everything;

The I Am That I Am Within Me;
The I Am That I Will Be;
The I Will Be What I Will Be,
Is here with me, right now;
Is attending to me, right now;
Is focused on me, right now.

I acknowledge, and express,
My sincere, heart-felt, gratitude,
For the Divine Will to Good;
The Loving, Intelligent, Universal,
Divine Creative Life Force,
Now being directed,
To me, for me, and through me.

I am humbled to know,
I am elated, uplifted,
And Empowered to know,

That יהוה YיHהVוHה; Yodי, Heyה, Vavו, Heyה;
The I Am That I Am;
Will be with me throughout this day,
Looking out for, and providing for,
My well being; my sustenance;
My protection; and, my highest good.

Everywhere I go today;
In every interaction with others;
In every thought, word, and deed;
I will consciously acknowledge,
That יהוה YיHהVוHה; Yodי, Heyה, Vavו, Heyה;
The I Am That I Am;
Is there with me:

Appreciating me, as I appreciate others;
Supporting me, as I support others;
Assisting me, as I assist others;
Acknowledging me, as I acknowledge others;
Inspiring me, as I inspire others;

Guiding me, as I guide others;
Playing with me, as I play with others;
Loving me, as I love others;
Challenging me, as I challenge others;
Uplifting me, as I uplift others;

Showing me, as I show others;
Teaching me, as I teach others;
Allowing me, as I allow others;
Fulfilling me, as I fulfill others;
Enlightening me, as I enlighten others.

Through me, and with me as I am,
יהוה YיHהVוHה; Yodי, Heyה, Vavו, Heyה;
The I Am That I Am;
Is glorified, praised, and worshiped,
As The Eternal; Totally Benevolent;
Omnipotent; Omnipresent;
Omniscient Supreme Being;
The Creator of Everything;

The I Am That I Am Within Me;
The I Am That I Will Be;
The I Will Be What I Will Be;
The Love of my Life; my Protector,
My Friend, my Soul Mate, and my Redeemer.


I Remember When

I Remember When

I remember when I was not calm;
When I did not believe
In my Oneness with the Divine,
The I Am That I Am.

I remember when I did not believe
I am a center of expression
For the Primal Will to Good.

I remember when I did not believe
I eternally create and sustain the universe.

I remember when I did not believe
I could attain the highest crown,
The Light of the Primal Glory.

I remember when I did not believe
I am One with the completely integrated whole;
I am One with The One Self, the All, Mystical Consciousness.

I remember when I did not believe
I could attain full cognizance of the Primal Will to Good,
The undifferentiated beginning, middle, and end.

I remember when I did not believe
I had become at One with Everything;
Every who, what, where, when, why, and how.

I remember when I did not believe
Life is just a matter of simply being
An expression of the Primal Will to Good,
Instead of selfishly willing, desiring, or making things happen.

I remember when I did not believe
I could comprehend the Primal Potential,
The One Self, the Unity of All Being.

I remember when I did not believe
I am simultaneously the Created and the Creator,
The One Self, the Unity of All Being.

I remember when I did not believe,
But now I am Grateful,
To know the Truth.


My Ten

יהוה YHVH, Yod, Hey, Vav, Hey, The I Am That I Am is the Eternal... Totally Benevolent... Omnipotent... Omnipresent... Omniscient Supreme Being... The Creator of Everything... The I Am That I Am Within Me... The I Am That I Will Be... The I Will Be What I Will Be.

1. The I Am That I Am is Timeless; The Omniscient Supreme Being. I remember the commandment: Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. I acknowledge my responsibility for my actions. I now put my Ultimate Trust in The I Am That I Am to provide for all my needs.

2. The I Am That I Am is Universal Substance. I remember the commandment: Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any manner of likeness, of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; thou shalt not bow down unto them, nor serve them... I acknowledge my responsibility for my actions. I now acknowledge, that The I Am That I Am is Limitless and Sovereign.

3. The I Am That I Am is All Quality, Truth, and Beauty. I remember the commandment: Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain. I acknowledge my responsibility for my actions. I now express my Respect, my commitment to Protect, and to Speak Truthfully about The I Am That I Am.

4. The I Am That I Am is in All Times, Rhythms, Seasons, Cycles, Patterns, and Stages of Development. I remember the commandment: Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. I acknowledge my responsibility for my actions. I now seek daily, and weekly, to seek Refreshment and Renewal by The I Am That I Am, and to keep our time, and my experiences with The I Am That I Am holy.

5. The I Am That I Am is Omnipresent; in all Encounters, all Relations, in and through, all created Things and Beings. I remember the commandment: Honor thy father and thy mother. I acknowledge my responsibility for my actions. I now Respect and strive to Honor All Mothers, Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, Sons, and Daughters, of all created Things and Beings.

6. The I Am That I Am is Infinite Universal Energy; Active, Persistent, and Persevering; Passive, Patient, and Enduring. I remember the commandment: Thou shalt not murder. I acknowledge my responsibility for my actions. I now Respect, Protect and Care for the Health and Well-being of all Life.

7. The I Am That I Am is Supreme, Master, Servant, Common, and Sovereign. I remember the commandment: Thou shalt not commit adultery. I acknowledge my responsibility for my actions. I now strive to be Faithful to The I Am That I Am in all my relationships.

8. The I Am That I Am is Owner and Possession; Gift and Giver. I remember the commandment: Thou shalt not steal. I acknowledge my responsibility for my actions. I now Respect, and strive to Protect and Care for the possessions given by The I Am That I Am to me, and all others.

9. The I Am That I Am is Infinite Abundance; Omnipotent. I remember the commandment: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. I acknowledge my responsibility for my actions. I now Love, Respect and strive to Uphold the Truth in All Things.

10. The I Am That I Am is in, and beyond, all Space-Time, and Supremely Serene. I remember the commandment: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house; thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his man-servant, nor his maid-servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's. I acknowledge my responsibility for my actions. I am now Satisfied and Grateful for All The I Am That I Am provides for me, and happy for my neighbors, and all their rightful blessings, and possessions.

Friday, May 24, 2013



Thoughts blossom into actions.
The fruits of action are
Joy and Suffering.
Life is sweet or bitter by
The thoughts and actions of Mankind.

Masters of thought.
Molders of character.
Makers and shapers of Conditions,
Environments and Destiny.

Beings of Power,
Intelligence and Love.
Lords of thought.
The key to every situation.

Transforming will.
Generative agents of change.
The mind contained within
Makes what Mankind wills.

Finding every truth to be
Connected with one's being;
Digging deeply into the soul
Understanding, Wisdom and Power abound.

Seek and you will find.
Knock and it will be opened to you.

Patience, Practice and Ceaseless Liberty
Open the Temple of Knowledge
To Humanity’s pressing need to grow and learn,
To have and hold,
To evolve, transform and transcend
The bonds of space and time;

Ever reaching, ever striving
Beyond Eternity where cause and effect are linked.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Many Voices

Many Voices

Shia, Sunni, Kurds and Christians;
Turkmen, Jews and tribal minorities;
The people of Iraq
Speak with many voices.

The United States of America
Should not be
One of the voices
Coming from inside Iraq.

Sunni communities
Throughout the world;
Learned and revered Shia;
The Muslim Brotherhood;
Neighboring countries
And the United Nations
Can better
And more reasonably
Influence Iraqis
Without dominating
Or exploiting them.

There are many voices
To guide Iraq
Into a renewal of peace,
Coexistence, and
Towards greater heights
And expressions of their own
Freedoms and responsibilities.

Yes, evil resides among
The people of Iraq
And sadly throughout
The rest of the world.

Humanities' children yet again
Have been traumatized and
Maimed by the atrocities of war
And ravages of hatred and hostilities.

Revenge and retribution
Will continue in Iraq
Until law and order
And justice prevail.

No foreign power however
Can stop the hatred and carnage.

Only the Love of Allah,
Only human lives
Dedicated to the words
And true intent
Of the Prophet Muhammad,
And only the faith
Of the followers of Islam
Can stop the hatred
And carnage in Iraq.

The many voices of Iraq
Must be heard and heeded
For peace and reconciliation
To guide the people
Toward a future
Of self-government
And self-determination.

Get coalition forces out of Iraq
Sooner - Not Later.
Send coalition troops home.
Stand down and step back.

Some day we invaders of Iraq
May be marked by history
As Liberators,
But today we are seen as
An invading horde of Infidels.

Right or wrong
The death of Saddam Hussein is done.
Blood too stains the rope
Of his demise.

We cannot ignore
Or conveniently forget
That the hands of
President George W. Bush
Helped to tie the hangman's knot.

Shamefully America's integrity
Has suffered under the leadership
And harsh exercise of power
By George W. Bush.

The responsibility for silencing
Tens of thousands
Of Iraqi voices
Haunts his soul.

Every President
Elected by the People of
The United States of America
Is accountable
For his or her actions.

Our soldiers are told
They will be prosecuted
To the full extent of the law
If they are negligent in their duties or
If they commit crimes during
The conduct of their assignments.

President Bush ordered
The U.S. Military
To hand over an Iraqi prisoner
And stood back as his head
Was ripped from his body.

Many voices from within our military
Should be crying out for justice.

Many voices from within
The halls of Congress
Should be clamouring for accountability.

Many voices from within
The United Nations and
Around the world
Should be screaming,
Chanting, singing,
Praying and protesting
That President Bush
Has become his own worst enemy.

After four years of this mess
The time has come to
Impeach George W. Bush.

Now also is the time to
Impeach Vice President Cheney.

These two men
More than anyone else
Bullied and mongered us
Into fearing their nightmares,
Frightful visions, and horrid demons.

Wake up people.
End this war now.
Retire our armed forces
To stations just outside Iraq.

There were no hidden weapons
Of mass destruction.

There were no reservoirs
Of dangerous chemical
Or biological weapons.

There was no network
Of Iraqi-funded
Terrorist training camps.

Every patriotic American
Should demand no more troops
Should be sent to Iraq
To pursue President Bush's demons.

No more wrongs
Are going to ever
Make this invasion right.

America was wrong again.
Live with it.
No lies. No coverups.
Own up to the truth.

End this war now.
Get out of Iraq now.
Stop the lies.
End the war now.