Strange day of nothing
Right or wrong.
Not in. Gone home.
Just missed. They're closed.
I was caught
In a swirling eddy all day.
I smiled and laughed
Because I knew
No reasoned motion
Could be maintained,
Overpowered by
This backwash day.
A poem of growth
And inner peace
Attained its conscious form.
I walked a circle
Exploring its sights and sounds.
I found a place
With food for thought.
There form and sustenance
Were pleasantly combined.
A touch of love
For a fallen child.
Music was sung
To smooth our way.
All in all
A pleasant eddy
Of a day.
January, 1981
Cry out dear soul,
The pain of growth is great.
Harken to the deeply stirring
Changes within you.
Grasp a strange new reality
That is becoming a part of you.
Others may accept
Some change of life,
But for you change is life.
Eternal process within and without.
Aching. Stretching. Gnawing. Pushing.
More and more
You involve yourself
In this growing process.
More and more
You find you have to do.
No end in sight,
Regardless of the realm,
No end in sight.
Where is the crux of this matter?
If change is an eternal process,
Can one change
Be more important
Than another or another?
Each change begets anew.
Each step prepares for the next.
Release yourself
From its pitiful involvement.
The pangs of growth,
Of changing life
Will resolve to an inner peace.
With your tumult gone
Finer things will soon attain.
This step prepares for the next.
Go on now,
But now, go on in peace.
January, 1981
Sharing your space
Is no easy thing.
It's easier to just smile
And say how are you?
You've invited someone
To partake of your hospitality.
Trusting an acquaintance
Leads to trusting in return.
Sharing, trust and mutuality
Are the bondings
Of a lasting friendship.
My path is easier
Because you cared
To make it so.
When your way is roughed
By the vissicitutes of life,
Remember today.
This act will return to you.
In the greater course of things,
The seemingly small
And insignificant acts of love
Performed in this harried world of ours
Take on their rightful proportions
And are never forgotten.
December, 1980
There are few I choose
To write about.
The words just flow
Through me.
Eloquence, as usual,
Escapes me.
Simplicity will have to do.
You honor me
With your homeplace.
Your friendship
Warms my soul.
Your family's comfortable acceptance
And free expression of their selves
Reflect your good and steady light.
Hail to you, true friend.
Praise be to you and yours.
This voice will always sing for you
In darkness and in light.
Reach out
If ever you should need me.
Forever my best for you.
December, 1980
Alone. I sit quietly alone.
A whir of conversations.
The clink and clank
Of clamouring sounds.
A furtive glance.
A quick acknowledgement.
I'm so depressed,
She invitingly sighs
To me or to herself.
More boldness is required.
Demonstrate some
Creative control of life.
I am alone,
But lonely I am not.
I'm expressing myself
In verse and rhyme.
You are not excluded by me,
But by your own volition.
You organize to leave.
I look to smile
And thank you
For your inspiration.
I find you closed
And turned away.
I pray you find
Your inner peace
To overcome your fears
And apprehensions.
Good bye
And thank you,
December, 1980
Whispered words draw you
Closer to me.
Your lovely eyes
Bespeak your vulnerability.
What hurt you must have felt.
What love you're longing for.
A rush, a chill
Like an autumn breeze
Skipping leaves
Across the ground.
My mind and body respond
To some unspoken message.
The space between us lessens.
Your radiant warmth
Removes all chilled sensations.
I anticipate a delicate embrace,
A gentle searching
For some special sensitivity.
A touch, a kiss and more.
Magnetic forces draw us closer.
A friend, you say.
I hear and think I understand.
Lovingly I pause and wait,
Not wanting to intrude.
Still, a vision
Of two candled flames remain.
Approaching one another
They embrace and intermingle.
So finely do they mesh,
More than doubling their light.
I pause and wait, a friend.
November, 1980
Open carefully my heart and soul.
Bring close your candled flame.
Soft light and gentle truth
Expose some valued things.
I value me.
I value you.
There is some significance
For us to see.
No one can truly lead the way.
Together our efforts
Will reveal some meaning
For us both.
I trust our responsible regard
Of our separate vulnerabilities.
But too in honesty I must advise
A friend so close may soon become
A dear and cherished love.
Pull back when and if you must.
Retreat through the open door.
If you should choose to stay
And draw nearer to the distant light,
Reach out and lightly take my hand.
You need not cling.
I need not pull away.
The past is there,
But we are here and now.
Tomorrow will come
And in due course
We will find
Our true significance.
October, 1980