Friday, March 12, 2010


A series of events happen
In a space of time.
Random happenings weave together
With our choices and planned actions.

Collage or quilt.
Pictures and patterns to be seen.
Resolve without guilt.

Significant others come and go,
Each one leaving their valued impressions
Upon some space of time.
I am forever impressed with you,
In touch with you
By being forever in touch with me.

With love released to be ourselves
We find both pain and happiness,
Balancing hope and sorrow,
Holding on and reaching out,
A new series of events begin
In an unfolding stretch of time.

Thank you love and lover.
Thank you spouse and friend.
A new beginning implies
There was an end.

The pattern of life changes
And these weaving threads part their ways.
Where it's all leading we don't really know,
But we will make or find a way
That is right for us today.


Seductively manipulative.
With my intellect I lead or draw you
By exciting your hope or desire
Into an evil, foolish or disastrous course.

I am thus rightfully branded.
Look back through these written words.
I stand convicted by their message.
No man, woman or child is safe.

You tell me that my perceptions
Of you are different.
I am unique in my beliefs.
These special sensitivities are mine alone.
My dreams and aspirations are only for the rare.

So with this brand you can now put me aside,
Be done with me.
These alluring words come from the heart
Of a seductive manipulator.

In Love

Dreaming of you excites me to no end.
When I experience you and focus on me
There is no containment of my ecstasy.
When I focus on you only
Your fire concerns me.

I want us to build that fire.
Build it slowly.
Build it carefully.
Give it all we've got.
Tingling. Warm. Glowing. Hot.
Waves of heat intensifying.

You open to freely accept me into you.
I become you and you become me.
There is no containment of our ecstasy.
We are in love.


Mirrored image identified with me
The components which distinguish you from others
Fails to achieve statistical significance.

In the extremes of humanity
Your physical and psychological profiles
Tend toward the centroid of the population.
Where is your portion of quiet desperation?

Transcending the central tendency
Invalidates our dimensions.
Comply with established practices.
Conform to expected values.
Ample tolerance has been allowed
To maintain overall stability.
The common good dictates
A normal bell-shaped distribution.

Pause for subject's response.

Yes, I accept my lack
Of any significant difference.
At some point in my progress
Toward the mean
I shed my desperation.

Thank you for your comments.

Clearly you have missed the point again.

You will proceed to asymptotically approach the center.
You will not accept the insignificance of your differences.
You will promote the central tendency in others.
You will maintain the stochasticity of all people variables.

Pause for acknowledgement.

No, I will not comply.

Thank you for your comments.

Clearly you do not realize the punitive options
Available to achieve compliance.

Yes, I am aware of these.

You can be effectively isolated from the general populace.
Friendless and alone.
Outside the normal population.

Option two is your destruction.
Crucified or otherwise erased from further consideration.
You will be continuously monitored for compliance.

No response is necessary.

I hear and think I understand.
The closer I get to the mean
The more I am like every man,
That is, I become everyman.

To achieve this state is to be
Undefined by our conventions.
We would have to revise
Or reconstruct our entire reality.

The normal distribution does not include everyman.
A higher order of things would ensue.
If you don't see me as different be careful,
Everyman may someday be you.

Monitor: Click


Hasty decisions get made
When one urgently wants resolve.
Self-pressed we override and impose.
I know my soul mate's dilemma
For it is mine.

We achieve a near identical
Level of awareness
In this our place in time.
Transcendence of the soul
From these earthly bonds
Will heighten and refine our love
To a more perfect union.

Can't let go is of this realm
And has no place in our quest.
Whatever is inviting
And enticing me to rise above
This painful struggle
To something clearly better?
Can it be less than honorable?

My mind is consumed
With thoughts of us.
Can resolution between you and me
Ever be achieved without resolution
Between us and him?
Us and them?

I cannot wash my hands of him or them
No more than I can ever be done with you.
Press no more to have this all
Immediately resolved.
In peace you will find the best decision.

Optimal Time

Don't ask why,
Unless you really want to know.
Well, I really want to know
So why do I keep doing this?

You love me and I love you.
Can't this be enough?
More questions and no answer still.
I feel no resolution
To this love of ours.

The chord does not resolve itself.
Accord and discord.
We find there is too much dissonance here.
There must be resonance too.

Why? For God's sake why?
Why do I seek you out?

Yes I am warmed by your love.
Soul mate, you hold my fate.
I am spellbound by your scent
And those enchanting eyes.

I snuggle to your femininity
With no sense of time or place.
I hold you as much as you hold me.
Afraid to let each other go
For fear our love will be forever lost.

Blind, deaf, and drunken
By these physical senses
We have found each other
In this chaotic life.

Our rendezvous is optimal
And well planned,
Maximum risk
And Maximum benefit
To be obtained
By each and everyone.

I could not have learned
This without you dear.
I am not ever coming back this way again.
You must let me go this time
Or undertake this quest with me.

We are both here now
To resolve this question.
If we do not resolve it now,
We cannot come back again
You can't come looking for me later,
Precious one,
To have this done again.

Optimal and well planned.
The time is now or never.
This is why I seek you out.

Perfect Atonement

Perfect atonement,
Peaceful am I.
Oh what a glory,
A vision divine.
Heir to His Bounty
Love and His Joy.
Born of His Spirit
One of His Own.


Love every moment, live joyfully.
Give from your bounty.
Give from your heart.
Love every moment, live joyfully.
Sharing God's Goodness

Perfect submission,
His Will for me.
Full of His Blessings
Now flowing thru me.
Life everlasting,
Truth sets us free.
One of His Children,
So gratefully.


Perfect fulfillment,
Wayward's return.
His sons and daughters
Now safely at home.
Heirs to His Kingdom,
Errors undone.
Filled with His Spirit.
Full of His Light.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Free To Love

You are my beloved.
I did not plan it so
Neither did I stop its progression.

I clearly sense
A longing to possess you;
To know your soft caress
And slowly swelling passion;
To breath deeply in
The warmth of your love scent;
To feast upon your beauty
As I taste each tender bit.

No beloved I cannot deny
Nor will I suppress
This impassioned love for you.
I do refuse possession
Of what cannot be mine.

Free spirit caged so long
Your boundless love
Focuses upon me.

Closely I have drawn you
And felt your vibrance.
I have touched your lips with mine.
Fingered strands of hair
Lightly resting on your brow.

You have looked
Into my clouding eyes
And freely offered love for love.

See these trembling hands
And know my tenuous hold
Upon this longing.
Can you sense how much
You mean to me?

Openly I have expressed
Myself to you and others,
But only you have responded
Freely with love for love.

I am not afraid
Of our love's expression.
You can love me
As well as others.
My freely given love for you
Is responsible, not possessive.

I will not run or hide.
No pretending in front of others.
I honor your decisions.
I respect your commitments.

Watch me as I cry
Precious one.

This is no rejection
Of you or your love.
Feel my happiness
Precious one.

There is no hurt
For me in your love.
I honor you with love
As you have honored me.

We Will See

Oh son of Satan
You play a deadly game
Of cloak and dagger.

Deceitful son of pompous pride
You move to capture all you can.
I do not see,
But know you are there.

The circle is drawn.
The firelight dimly
Reaches to the edge.
You sense an opportunity
Drawing near.

You fool yourself
You son of hate.
No wielding weapon
Of the darkness
Can penetrate the light.

The light goes where it wants.
The darkness hastily retreats.

I am near defenseless,
But for me not near enough.
Each momentous encounter
Clears away another barrier.

One day we will stand eye to eye.
One day we will see
What I really am.

Fear this day
Damned son of night.
Truly fear this coming day.

No one to fight except yourself.
No one to lose the fight but you.

Bring me now
Your toughest challenge.
You cannot afford to shy away
Nor can you afford to risk
Too much on me.

Another opportunity
Is drawing near
Because I let the darkness
Come around.

Yesterday's dark abyss
Is not here now.
Today is your only chance.
Tomorrow you haven't a prayer.


Tangled lines of thought
Ensnare my mind
In a haphazard tapestry.

Is this mangled knot of mind
An accidental random confusion
Of otherwise reasonable concerns?

Or does this gnarl
Of woven thoughts
Add beauty, texture or meaning
To some greater pattern
I do not see?

I am the weaver
Of this woven life-cloth
And yet I do not
Fully comprehend the pattern
Being done or even
The yarns being spun.

If I were blind
You would not find it odd
For me to seek description
Of what there is to see.

Would you not patiently,
Lovingly, caringly and
Openly offer your best
And truest description?

If you know
And truly understand
The cruelty of silent turning away
And the foul taste
Of inflated flattery,
Then the love of truth is yours.

We blind weavers
Seek the truth
From enlightened
Or sightless passersby.

How else are we
To see the difference?

Even the sting of mockery
Which was once like a dagger's edge
Is now more like a pesky insect bite.

If this be all my downside risk,
Then can't you understand
My eager openness?
The price of confusion and ignorance
Is far greater to me than this.

My tapestry of life
Is for display.
With your help
My best is what we will see.

Mutable Earth

Far away my vision is drawn
To a comforting message.
The yin and yang of cosmic light.
Clouded blues resounding
To a guardian angel.

Fractured earth floating
Above chaotic forces.
A beautiful mixture
Of discordant sights
Compel more close attention.

Quickening paces draw me
Closer to this serenity.
Warmth and inner joy
Anticipate expression.

Each step brings clearer focus
To my swelling sense
Of touching you.

A critical step
Stops my vacillating vision
Between heaven and earth.

No longer fractured,
Earth stares coldly back at me.
A cautious hesitation.
A slower pace ensures.

Creeping black and darkness
Is overcoming me and you.
The serpent's coil entwines
My head and yours.

Flash of realization.
Beelzebub in angelic white
Watches over this ghastly sight.

I stand in tingling awe
And wonder at the truth
Of this foul statement.

Still the beauty of it all
Does not escape me.
I pull away and turn my back
Wanting to reject
This painful reality
And my realization
Of this beautiful horror.

Away, I must get away.
But I cannot rid my mind
Of this haunting reality.
Let me go away.
No more to see this art.
Never to touch
This sinister artist.

I must come back however.
I cannot accept
I will not accept
This message of ill
I have received.

Back and forth intently searching
My eyes and soul sense
A new dimension to this art.

Up close I now clearly
Can see a distant light
Focused between Beelzebub and me.

Round and round I go.
Debunk or verify.
I have to know.
I have to know.

Exhausting all angles
I can now stand close at ease.
Warmth and inner joy
Sing out from you and me.

The light is really there
For all who look to see.


Heavy heart. Blowing breath.
Lament. Lament.

I hope I have not harmed you
Precious one.
A helping hand. A caring hug.
I sense some aspects
Of your needs.

Totally responsive to you.
Stretched out, exposed and vulnerable
I would to bed with you,
But trust in you and me
The rightful course.

I dare not, I can not,
I will not hide from you.

The honest expression
Of these thoughts and feelings
Is more important to you
And to your life
Than any misguided claims
On you and me.

This is not our first encounter.
It will not be our last.
I ask you not to fear tomorrow.
What good are words
If we fear the possibility
Of our intimate expression of love?

Yours are difficult decisions to make.
It is dark enough out here
Without adding our clouds
Of doubting self.

Your control this encounter
As much as me.
If you like what you see in me,
Rejoice for this is
But a reflection of you.

Innocent Expression

Not always known to me
I ponder your unspoken questioning
Of my way of loving you.

Constancy describes its unbroken quality.
No weighted chain or hardened cable
Could ever bind you to me
As does this lightly spun
And delicate fiber
Of never-ending, never-broken love.

No base or vulgar cravings
Could ever touch
The lofty thoughts and aspirations
Which my heart and soul
Store for you.

Yet no gilded cage sublime
Constricts our free expression of love
For each and all mankind.

Wherever in this darkened course of life
Our paths should take each one of us;
Regardless of any isolation or obstacles beset
This love for you will persevere.

When too you meet
The successes of your planned course,
This persevering love will sing your praises
And reflect your light
Unto the end of time and space.

This innocent expression
Is as it should be.
Its time is right.
Its mode and form correct.
So too the matter of our love.

When the will of heaven
Does not protect,
One can do no thing just right.

Whatever goes before
Prepares for what comes after.
Turn toward the drawing light
Confident in the constant sublimity
Of our persevering love.

The innocent expression of that love
Will attain its proper course in time.


Time is a fluid thing
No bottle can contain.
Poised lightly upon some needled pine
A droplet of life
Receives its fill.

Tenaciously it clings
To this needle and the next.
Each one a home, a haven,
A needed resting place.

Will you dare imagine
The broader course of things?
And see the sheer importance
Of our close gatherings?

Unusual properties uniquely obtained.
Common attributes shared by all.
Joined together our time-life force is great.
From our collective heart and soul
The journey must be made.

Our earthly cycle serves a purpose,
But of course the way is rough.
A finer realm we will attain
Through our collective voyages.

Lift high our coarse fluidity,
Knock on our hardened forms,
Submerge us in the flowing stream
Our boundaries must be undone.
With any luck at all
We will lose them in the end.


Have you ever stood in the rain
With wet head and soaking clothes?
Did you ask yourself why
Or just get out of the rain?

It's raining heavy on my parade
And I keep marching on.
Why doesn't seem so apropos.
I just keep marching on.

They cheered us on the other day.
Excited laughter. Joyous display.
Today the skies are dark and wet.
The parade isn't much fun this way.

Inside it's nice and dry.
Going in makes good sense to me.
Oh well, what the heck.
What's more important anyway?

The parade is my thing
Come rain or shine.
If you are not in the parade,
Then get in out of the rain.
Perhaps it's foolish to keep marching on,
But who are you to say?

I made commitments
And so did you.
The parade keeps moving on.

Drop out. Stay dry.
The parade is my thing.
Wasn't it yours yesterday?

A tear gets washed away.
A glance. A wave.
Just who is leaving whom?

New Frontier

Rebellious Spirits alight anew
The smoldering embers of our youth.
Now is the time to rally
Behind a glorious cause.

The righteous bones of our dearly departed
Lie bleached behind corporate walnut desks
And on the political battlefields
Where fat politicos rape their memory
And snatch the pennies from their eyes.

Sleep no more Pretentious Spirit
Your visionary light and creativity
Are needed to lead us from this blight.

Pale men in gray
Whose sickening voices malign our fervor
Offer us only the here and now or yesterday,
But we are not undone
By those who fear tomorrow.

The bomb or carcinoma.
Acid rain or Love Canal.
Genetic monsters devouring the ground.
A generation of terminal executives.

We must beyond this crock attain!
Our narcissism failed the primary,
But our second wind is due.

Oh Single Spirit
Your have not ever left our collective heart.
Help us take comfort from
The essence of God and Man.

If this fool earth should opt
To blow its brains out,
We will sooner transcend
These mortal bounds
And establish our New Frontier
Upon the other side.


Affective reasoning. Effective emoting.
A confluence of modalities in a sea of red.
Submerge yourself in the vast sea of life.

Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual -
A continuum of realities
A hierarchy of needs.
The unity of humanity
In the complex of human conditions.

Subjugate a reality in the conventional way
Sooner or later you will pay the piper.
Harmonize the discourse
The piper's tune you will play.

Intensely vibrant and alive
A subtle melody reverberating
Through your Self and your projections.

Experience the ebb and flow
Of energies within you.
Attune to your own wealth
Of resources and judgments.
Thus you will accord yourself
With the universal sound of life.

Kindred Spirit

Oh kindred spirit I ache for you.
From deep within my Being
I sing praises to your light.
Your jagged splintered heart
Pierces to my very soul.

I cry for me and you
Secluded in some dark dank hovel.
Alone, besmirched and abused
By callous men and silken women
I see their eyes filled with disgust.

Their mouths spew forth the venom of their ire.
I feel the fear which masks itself with mock revulsion.
Please take pity on us.
We fail to see the beauty of your exquisite contribution.

You ask me who I am
And why embrace so foul a creature.
I am your brother, kindred spirit.
One whose fond embrace is remembered
When together whole we stood.

Within this short allotted time,
Before we part again
To carry out our painful service,
Be still with me and let us share
Our love and dedication.